Storage Fusion, a company owned by AIM listed firm Avisen, has release its SRA (storage resource analysis) offering, SRA Enterprise Edition, which is a fully-automated storage assessment software delivered using Software as a Service (SaaS).

SRA Enterprise Edition will enable organisations to gain complete transparency of the heterogeneous storage estate, avoid capital expenditure by reclaiming petabytes of unused storage capacity and understand exactly what is at risk.

The company claims that Storage Fusion’s technology offers immediate results along with quicker and higher return on investment (ROI).

SRA Enterprise Edition offers enterprises five key dashboards that summarise capacity, configuration, performance tiering, environmentals (power and heat) and virtualisation and thin provisioning metrics.

The new tool includes Ad Hoc Report Writer for creation of custom reports and graphs and does not require any on-site hardware or software.

The Storage Fusion offering enables enterprises to reduce the time they spend fire-fighting and instead create sound capacity plans to assist with the delivery of IT services, said the company.

Storage Fusion vice president of R&D Owen Curtis said SRA Enterprise Edition is completely vendor-independent and therefore gives an unbiased insight into the storage estate.

"For many of our customers, to deploy SRA is like switching the light on in their SAN for the first time," Curtis said.