SOS Online Backup, a provider of online backup technology, has partnered with Wiley Publishing and 4D Global Partners to launch Online Backup for Dummies, a new SaaS backup service and book designed to provide online backup.

SOS Online Backup said that the new SaaS backup service combines local storage (with USB flash drive), along with the security of backup in an user friendly tradition of the Dummies brand.

According to SOS Online Backup, the new SaaS backup service uses a desktop application that works behind the scenes on users’ computers. This new service is powered by the SOS engine with features such as unlimited versioning and archiving, continuous data protection, scheduling, a three-tier encryption system, and local backup and a restore option.

The Backup for Dummies book covers a range of topics including: concepts of data management and backing up files and data; different types of backup media and its appropriate uses; and merits of different backup software systems, the company added.

Herb Kraft, VP of business development at SOS Online Backup, said: We are thrilled to partner with 4D Global Partners to introduce an easy-to-use method for protecting customers’ data. We are dedicated to protecting the investment people make in their data, quickly, easily and inexpensively. We are confident that Online Backup for Dummies will give users the tools to backup their data safely and securely.