Business analytics software and services provider SAS has launched a new research and development (R&D) centre in Glasgow.

The new centre, which is aimed at fighting fraud and financial crimes, and has received £1.3m grant from the Scottish Development International.

Scottish First Minister Alex Salmond said the centre will position Scotland as an international centre of excellence for developing applications to tackle fraud and bolster security and create a substantial number of jobs.

"I look forward to meeting with more companies this year about the exceptional opportunities Scotland presents as a country to invest and do business with," Salmond added.

SAS Europe, Middle East and Africa (EMEA) and Asia Pacific (AP) executive vice president Mikael Hagstrom said the company will fortify its efforts in thwarting financial crime and fraud through the new facility and also focus global R&D centres on advancing the development of big data analytics as the engine of the information economies across the world.

"The UK has the opportunity to take a lead in the global efforts to deliver real financial benefit from big data – considered a 21st century raw material and referred to by analysts as ‘new oil’, Hagstrom added.

"To do this we also need to ensure that government, academia and businesses work together to further develop the skills available and actively support programmes that nurture development in the next generation."

The new R&D centre, which was part of deal between the First minister and senior SAS representatives during Scotland Week 2013, will also provide 202 high-value jobs in the region.