SanDisk has launched new solid state drive products SSD G4 and SSD P4, which offer up to 128GB and 256GB of storage, respectively, double the capacities of the company’s previous SSD offerings.

The Sandisk SSD G4 serves as a replacement for hard disk drives (HDD) in notebooks, while the SSD P4, the successor to pSSD modular drive, enables designers to offer thinner netbook and tablet computers, the company claims.

The new products are available in various form factors and can even be customised according to manufacturers’ specification.

According to SanDisk, the SSD G4 comes with capacity ranging from 64GB to 256GB with sequential read/write speeds of up to 220 and 160MB/sec3. It offers Long-term Data Endurance (LDE) of 160 terabytes written (TBW) for a 256GB drive and uses ExtremeFFS, a page-based algorithm that increases random write speeds and efficiency.

The SSD P4 measures 26.80 x 30.00 x 3.4 mm and its capacity ranges from 8GB to 128GB. The SanDisk AFM implementation for SSD P4 uses nCache acceleration technology, that boosts burst random write performance to shorten boot times. It SSD P4 offers burst random 4KB performance of up to 600 IOPS.

The SanDisk SSD P4 is suitable for use in small devices such as netbooks, smartbooks, tablet computers and ultra-thin notebooks, in addition to POS terminals, set top boxes, printers and other devices that use embedded flash.

The SanDisk SSD G4 and SanDisk SSD P4 are currently being evaluated by top tier OEMs. High-volume production of the drives is expected in the Q3 2010 timeframe.