SanDisk has announced that it is to contribute to the open source Ceph object, block and file storage platform in order to help customers fully experience flash.

SanDisk’s recent launch of InfiniFlash, which is powered by Ceph’s open source software, has helped to solidify the company’s commitment to being an open source contributor.

As the open source storage market continues to mature, Gartner predicts that by 2018 open source storage will gain 20% of the overall market share.

SanDisk therefore is working with other companies in the Linux community in order to move forward the market.

Nithya Ruff, director of the SanDisk Open Source Strategy Office, said: "Open source software is a critical building block for many of the key markets in which we operate — from mobile and embedded, to enterprise, hyperscale and cloud."

"Since joining the Linux Foundation, SanDisk has built a sizable development team to enhance and optimize open source platforms to be ‘flash-intelligent,’ resulting in better performance, efficiencies, capacities and overall total cost of ownership for customers."

"SanDisk is one of the largest contributors to the Ceph software platform and will continue to work on further OSS innovations in partnership with the community."

SanDisk has been working over the past year to produce performance enhancements to the core Ceph software defined storage solution. This is designed to present object, block, and file storage from a single distributed computer cluster.

Patrick McGarry, Ceph Community Lead, Red Hat, said: "SanDisk continues to be one of the many great examples of active participation within the Ceph community. It is exciting to watch their contributions grow and how they have inspired others to do the same."