Rapid7, a provider of unified vulnerability management and penetration testing offering, and Modulo, a provider of enterprise governance, risk and compliance (GRC) offerings, have introduced a technology integration enabling global users to manage their organisations’ risk by automating the collection and analysis of security across IT assets.

Rapid7 NeXpose scans critical vulnerability, misconfiguration and policy violation data identified and can be assessed, prioritised and remediated by Modulo Risk Manager NG to manage, track and report security and compliance risks and make informed business decisions.

Rapid7 NeXpose is a integrated vulnerability management offering that enables organisations to manage network, operating system, Web application and database security strategies.

The Modulo Risk Manager NG governance, risk and compliance management offering enables the platform to demonstrate multi-regulatory compliance, pass demanding audits and reduce security threats before they cause costly damage to the organisation.

Modulo CEO president Alvaro Lima said users will benefit from the data they need to meet today’s business imperatives while reducing operational costs – and can scale to meet the demands of even the largest enterprises.