Business intelligence firm QlikTech is working on a new version of its QlikView product to release in the fourth quarter of this year.

The company wants to make the latest version compatible with mobile technology and hopes it will "lower the hurdle" so companies with little IT expertise can also use it.

QlikView is used by companies to navigate and analyse big data to find insights that could help improve their businesses.

CEO Lars Bjork told CBR: "It’s got be as intuitive as we can make it so we lower the hurdle for anyone to use it. There’s new technology that enables it to be even easier to use.

"And the other thing we want to explore is mobile. What if you wanted to start from your tablet? Even build applications through the tablet?"

He added that the new product should feature improved security, saying: "What’s okay today will eventually not be okay tomorrow."

Look out for CBR’s full interview with Bjork, online soon.