Dr. John Bates Progress Software

Dr. John Bates, Progress Software CTO

Progress Software, which also announced a new CEO today, said that its chief technology officer Dr. John Bates has been selected as a member of the Foresight Committee.

A key component of the Government Office for Science, Foresight’s members are said to be recognised as leaders in their fields, while its projects are in-depth studies, which are designed to allow leading decision makers to understand how the decisions they make today might impact on future generations.

Dr. Bates will be joining the Foresight Committee to aid with its ‘Future of Computer Trading in Financial Markets’ project, which is aimed at exploring how computer generated trading in financial markets might evolve in the coming years, and the effect this will have on industry.

"I am extremely proud to have been selected to sit on the committee alongside such a prestigious group of people who bring such forward thinking and insight," said Dr. Bates. "We are living in an age where the uptake and utilisation of information technology is accelerating to breakneck speeds around the world, and trading technology is a prime example of this."

Dr. Bates holds a PhD in computer science from Cambridge University and was a tenured faculty member there until 2000. He has pioneered new techniques in algorithmic and high frequency trading, real-time risk and market surveillance and, in July 2010, became a member of the Technology Advisory Committee (TAC) for the US Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC).

Related: Q&A with Progress Software CTO Dr. John Bates (Feb 2010)

Related: Progress spies RPM adoption from its Control Tower