Panorama Software has introduced its new NovaView Version 6.0, an integrated suite of web-enabled BI applications that combines query and analysis, formatted reporting, performance dashboards, KPI scorecards, modelling, visualisation and automated report distribution.

The NovaView 6.0 features include new Flash Analytics client, new Relational Data Connector and SharedViews.

The new Flash Analytics client reportedly enhances usability for data analysis. It was originally developed through Panorama and Google’s partnership and was included in Google Docs. It is now part of the on-premise version of NovaView. It includes self discovery for data navigation and exploration, on-the-spot interactive help and animation like flashing, linking and expanding that provides hints on where to go next.

The new Relational Data Connector is designed to enable users perform interactive data analysis on relational data. It maps to relational data sources including RDBMS, Excel, CSV and existing SQL Reporting Services among others and uses algorithms to model data.

The new SharedViews is developed through combining on-premise and cloud assets. Users can leverage Panorama NovaView for collaboration with other users inside and outside the firewall. With SharedViews, users could build reports in the cloud consisting of new data in a controlled, managed and interactive environment, collaborating with partners and suppliers that don’t have access to data inside the firewall.

Eynav Azarya, CEO of Panorama Software, said: NovaView 6.0 brings new innovations to the world of BI and data analysis as well as new levels of integration with Microsoft’s BI platform.