Overland Storage, a provider of data management and data protection offerings, has released a new tape library offering the NEO 8000e that supports LTO-5 technology and enables companies dynamically adjust storage capacity and performance without additional hardware.

Overland Storage NEO 8000e

The company said that its new offering is built on NEO architecture, and features expansion for upto 3 Petabytes of storage capacity and transfer rates up to 24TB/hr. It features multi-interface connectivity, partitioning capability and supports all major operating systems.

Overland Storage said that its new tape library offering has capabilities to intelligently anticipate and prevent potential problems with built-in self-monitoring capabilities including drive performance monitoring, predictive failure notification and system fault isolation.

It also includes high availability features, such as full redundancy, browser-based monitoring and control, robotics, and drive swap capability.

Peri Grover, director of product marketing for tape products at Overland Storage, said: "The NEO 8000e enables enterprises to take advantage of high availability features, increased performance, scalability and simplified connectivity combined with mid-range pricing to fit within lean IT budgets.

The NEO 8000e is a smart solution that can easily accommodate data storage requirements now and in the future."