Securities software provider Omnesys Technologies and enterprise software company Progress Software have partnered to leverage the Omnesys customer base with the Omnesys NEST front office service and algorithmic trading platform, Progress Apama.

Omnesys’ automated trading products and algorithms are widely used among the Proprietary and Arbitrage trading community.

Progress Apama platform is a comprehensive Complex Event Processing (CEP)-based system for building multi-asset applications for low latency trading, risk and compliance – with sub-millisecond latency.

The platform includes a CEP engine; a rich graphical dashboard; an event data management technology that captures and replays event streams and allow user to conduct root-cause analysis and pre-flight testing of algorithms.

In addition, the platform also includes a pre-built analytics to help monitor the key performance indicators (KPIs) of a business; and adapters to event data sources, including messaging, databases, and industry-specific data feeds such as market data.

Omnesys managing director Shrikant Pandit said the strategic partnership will augment Omnesys offerings in the fast growing market for advanced algorithmic trading software in India.

"Omnesys has always led the way in trading technology for capital markets. We have a large installed base of our Order Management Systems (OMS) users who perform their algorithmic trading tasks using Omnesys products. Our strategic partnership with Progress Software will enable us to broaden our product offering and to offer the most advanced algorithm trading solution on the most advanced OMS platform in India," said Pandit.

Progress Software Progress Apama chief technology officer and founder John Bates said algorithmic and high-frequency trading firms now have a simple, flexible, low latency trading offering that combines the power of the Progress Apama Algorithmic Trading platform with the Omnesys Order Management Systems.

"This strategic partnership between Progress and Omnesys underlines each company’s leadership in this space globally and in India respectively. The key to success is to offer customised and localised algorithmic capabilities to their clients using the Apama product; while Omnesys provides its clients with one more tool they need to remain competitive," said Bates.