According to a report by Nasuni, Microsoft Windows Azure Blob leads among cloud storage providers in terms of the speed, availability and scalability.

The company assessed Cloud Storage Providers (CSPs) like Amazon S3, Microsoft Azure Blob Storage, Google Cloud Storage, HP Cloud Object Storage, and Rackspace Cloud Files.

During the test, the enterprise storage provider, which uses public cloud storage from the major CSPs as a component in its Storage Infrastructure as a Service, measured the performance of the CSPs under three categories.

The three categories includedWrite/Read/Delete Speed, Availability and Scalability.

Nasuni CEO, Andres Rodriguez said Microsoft’s investment in its second generation cloud storage, which it made available to customers last year, has clearly paid off.

"With Amazon S3 and Microsoft Windows Azure, the cloud storage industry clearly has two strong players to choose from," Rodriguez said.

The company tested the performance of CSPs between November 2012 and January 2013 through the use of virtual machines across most of the major cloud-compute platforms.

Compared to last year, the test found that there was an improvement on all platforms, including improved performance and fewer errors.

"Even more encouraging, however, was the marked performance improvement across the board. As CSPs continue to mature, competition among top quality providers can only benefit enterprise IT."