Magic Software Enterprises, a provider of business and process integration services, has released Data Replicator for, designed to provide automatic, real-time data back-up for organizations using

According to the company, until now, organizations had no simple way of controlling their marketing and sales data held off-premise. Now, by using Magic Software’s Data Replicator for, organizations can reproduce any snapshot of their data and make it available on their on-premise databases.

The Data Replicator for is part of Magic Software’s iBOLT business and process integration product range, and uses a number of components from the iBOLT for technology stack. The system is designed to handle small-to-medium, up to very large enterprise level transaction volumes.

The Data Replicator reportedly features a range of back-up options allowing organizations to make full or partial copies of their data, including incremental changes as they happen in real-time. Replication sessions can be scheduled according to the day, hour or minute with the possibility of taking an unlimited number of data snapshots. The Data Replicator is compatible with any standard database including Oracle and Microsoft SQL Server. Configuration is simple, with no need to write code or install extra hardware.

Ami Gal, vice president for integration product lines at Magic Software, said: Data replication is essential for all companies that want to take advantage of the new era in cloud computing and SaaS applications such as There is an increased demand for easy and efficient data replication for on-demand data. Businesses can now achieve the best of both worlds and get the advantages and convenience of but without the vulnerability of having the only copy of their vital data assets remaining off premise.