Lyzasoft has introduced the Lyza Commons, an enterprise collaboration server that allows business analysts to share data and reports with trusted peers through a user-driven publishing model.

The company claims that the transparent development environment facilitates this sharing, while allowing IT organisations to assimilate innovation for rapid prototyping, functional requirements design, and production reporting and business intelligence.

According to the company, Lyza Commons enables IT organisations to reduce the volume of ad hoc query requests by providing users with intuitive tools. Analytic workflows can be traced to map all of the upstream lineages to determine how certain numbers and calculations were derived. Quality information can be tested and then migrated to production environments for distribution.

Scott Davis, CEO of Lyzasoft, said: “Analytical insight achieves maximum impact in a culture that encourages information sharing. Lyza Commons provides a mechanism to share and trace data among a community of analysts – reusing data and extending their analyses seamlessly.

It provides a workgroup platform that fits the way analysts work and think while also providing the transparency and manageability of an enterprise information flow.”

Lyza Commons runs on Microsoft Windows and is reportedly available as part of two packaged workgroup bundles. The Combo Workgroup includes two Lyza subscriptions, eight Lyza Lite subscriptions, and one Lyza Commons subscription and is available at $4,800. The Power Workgroup includes 10 Lyza subscriptions and one Lyza Commons subscription and is priced at $5,600.