Tweetgif is a third party app that allows users to share animated .gif images.

Lulszec reborn not only revealed the passwords and usernames of 10,000 Twitter accounts but also each user’s real name,location, bio, avatars and secret tokens used to authenticate the Tweetgif app.

The hacking collective posted the leaked data on Pastebin with a link for people to download the information.

In March, Lulzsec Reborn first introduced itself claiming to be the new version of the Lulzsec group whose operations stopped nearly a year ago.

Leading members of the orginal Lulzsec group were arrested in March the group’s leader known as "Sabu" became an informant for the FBI in exchange for his freedom.

He revealed the identities of core members in Anonymous and Lulzsec which resulted in the arrests of six people.


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