Fewer than one in ten global organisations believe existing IT infrastructure can meet the challenges arising from mobile devices, social media, data analytics and cloud computing.

Though 70% believe that IT infrastructure can give their company an edge , only 22% have put in place a well-defined enterprise IT infrastructure strategy roadmap.

"IT Infrastructure Matters," an IBM commissioned study questioned 750 CTOs, CIOs and other technology executives in 18 countries and 19 industries.

Sixty per cent plan to increase their investment on IT infrastructure over next 12 to 18 months.

Almost half of those polled said they face challenges to ensure security when shifting large amounts of data between one geography and other. Over forty per cent said they face difficulty in cutting costs and improve efficiencies in their global storage environment.

Tom Rosamilia, who runs the IBM Systems & Technology Group said, "In our discussions with technical leaders, we are seeing that the historic shifts transforming business and technology are creating a greater need and urgency to deploy a computing infrastructure that can support their business results."

"Today’s innovative companies are recognizing that the right infrastructure can deliver real competitive advantage and fuel top-line growth." Rosamilia added.

IBM carried out the study to assess what challenges organisations face in maintaining and upgrading existing technology, especially when they gear up to face while adopting new technological trends.