A reported 96% of IT professionals say they do not trust their end users to make good IT security decisions, and with 48% of employees causing security issues at least once a week, it comes as no surprise.
150 IT professionals from around the globe were surveyed on employee IT usage behaviour which revealed that 26% of respondents say that senior management commits the worst IT security offences, and 19% said that the IT professionals themselves commit serious security offences.
These findings suggest a lack of employee understanding of security policies throughout an organisation, and the flow on effect this can have on a business’ IT infrastructure.
"Creating a comprehensive security policy is difficult enough without having employees accidently subverting the protocols we have in place," said Damian Barry, president of Global Business Technology.
"However, taking the time to create an all-encompassing educational campaign can be too time consuming."
Sophos is trying to address this problem by developing a programme in order to aid IT professional in teaching other employees called the IT Security Dos and DON’Ts for free.
"We’re excited that we have been able to transform our security expertise into a range of educational tools that will both inform and entertain," said Mark Harris, Vice President of Sophos security.
He suggests that employee security negligence can be successfully addressed by using educational programmes and tools, which can assist IT professionals in teaching colleagues about the practice of good IT security.