Energy data company ONZO has been awarded £747,000 in funding by innovation agency Innovate UK to deliver better energy efficiency for the UK.

The data science software company will use the funding, issued as part of the Energy Catalyst programme, in a two-year project to address fuel poverty.

ONZO will compile and analyse household energy data taken from sensors to provide customers of a new energy provider in Scotland with personalised information and advice about their energy usage to spot waste and reduce demand.

The funding was jointly awarded to ONZO and Imperial College London, which will measure the effectiveness of ONZO’s interactions with customers.

The grant was established by Innovate UK, the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council and the Department of Energy and Climate Change to boost innovation in the energy sector and address the ‘Energy Trilemma’.

This refers to three major challenges facing the global energy industry: reducing emissions by helping the UK produce energy through greener resources, improving supply security and reducing costs.