InetSoft has added the support of enterprise resource planning (ERP) applications SAP, Siebel, JDE and PeopleSoft for its business intelligence software application Style Intelligence.

The company claims that the development broadens options of ERP applications by providing interactive flash-based dashboarding and data mashups using multiple data sources inside and outside of their corporate network.

According to InetSoft, the dashboard and reporting software previously provided simultaneous access to open standards-based data sources such as relational databases and a host of other data sources including XML, SOAP, Java beans (POJO), EJB beans, flat files, CORBA objects and OLAP cubes including Microsoft SQL Server Analysis Services, Hyperion ESSbase, Oracle OLAP, and SAP NetWeaver.

InetSoft’s Style Intelligence is a BI application that is 100% Java at the server level and HTML, JavaScript and Flash at the client level. That, combined with its SOA architecture and open standards-based technology, makes for a suitable embedding and integration-ready application for dashboards and reporting.

Mark Flaherty, vice president of marketing at InetSof, said: “Previously, organizations that had made substantial investments in these ERP applications had been held hostage. They had to make do with primitive static reports and crude dashboards that lacked interactivity, or they had to accept an expensive upgrade path to their ERP vendor’s business intelligence suite. Even then, the option to combine their data with other data sources was severely limited.

“Now, data mashups have become more popular, and end-users expect visually pleasing charting and rich data interactivity. So, we expect strong interest from these kinds of enterprises wishing to evaluate our dashboard application.”