IBM has unveiled a subscription-based analytics offering called Voice of the Customer Analytics (VOCA), that mines diverse data sources from routine customer service interactions.

The company said that the new offering mines data sources including audio recordings, call transcripts, emails, survey results and demographic data, to offer a single, integrated view of customer sentiment to improve marketing effectiveness and enhance customer service.

According to IBM, the VOCA is designed to help enable businesses to identify and manage factors critical to customer satisfaction by pointing the root causes of negative service experiences and maintain customer confidentiality through a analysis process. It also identifies overall trends and highlights a specific product or service-related problem, as well as reveal issues in the dialog between customers and the customer care representatives.

VOCA comprises Analytics Business Process Services (ABPS) offering, which is designed to offer fact-based business insights to decision makers, to help clients develop programs to increase customer satisfaction, reduce customer churn, drive operational savings and improve service quality, the company claims.

Robert Morris, vice president of services research at IBM Research, said: VOCA draws on IBM’s expertise in analytics, predictive modeling, information management, and deep industry knowledge. The solution combines text analytics with traditional data mining tasks to deliver actionable insights based on information inherent in customer interactions. It helps clients improve both the speed and quality of business decisions, while better understanding the consequences and outcomes of those decisions.