IBM has expanded its enterprise mashup portfolio with the launch of a new version of Mashup Center and a new offering called Cognos 8 Mashup Service. The Mashup service is an application programming interface (API) that automatically exposes content from Cognos 8 Business Intelligence as a web service for use in other operational applications, business processes and mashups.

According to IBM, the newMashup Center includes new collaboration and community tools that allows business to create collections of mashup pages; a new browser-based tool to create widgets for small applications or pieces of content that can be placed on a web page right from their mashup to solve problems faster.

In addition, the new Mashup Center integrates with RESTful services which expands the types of data sources that can be included in a Mashup. Microsoft SharePoint, WebSphere MQ and FileNet integration allows businesses to take advantage of their existing investments by generating feeds these applications that can easily be mashed up with other data sources, the company said.

IBM said, with Cognos 8 Mashup Service and IBM Mashup Center, clients can combine information from within IBM Cognos reports with other applications and access it in a web interface.

Anant Jhingran, vice president of information management at IBM, said: IBM Mashups takes analytics out of the backroom and onto the desktop, putting people in control of the vast data resources their company already has in place. With new capabilities and software, we are continuing to innovate to help customers make smarter decisions.