IBM has unveiled an integrated enterprise risk management application, which it claims will help financial services companies to increase profitability and compliance.

The new IBM Signature Solution comes with a dashboard that offers visibility into the wholesale credit touchpoints that extend from the front office to the back office and allows decision makers to manage risks for credit lifecycle management.

IBM Global Risk and Regulatory Compliance leader Wayne Wilczynski said that the CFOs are now acting as agents to identify new growth opportunities and manage strategic shifts in their companies’ business models.

"To help with this shift, companies are rethinking their use of data and analytics to attain a more holistic view of their portfolio, and to get a single view of their customers and related risk exposures," Wilczynski said.

"IBM’s new solution can provide insights to improve credit risk decisions and significantly advance an instrumented, integrated view for CFOs."

The new application is said to offer a single view of customer and credit exposures that improves visibility and access to data in order to provide information to the management on a timely basis.

The application will also help the users to improve customer profitability, manage risk of loss, and offer a better view into the key capital management decisions by collecting and evaluating credit data from different sources.

IBM Signature Solution is claimed to offer support including change management, data integration and software implementation, while it features Big Data platform along with access to risk experts and business analytics services.