IBM has introduced two new technologies which it says will help companies and governments to simplify Big Data analysis as well as speed up the process.

The new offerings include BLU Acceleration and IBM PureData System for Hadoop. BLU Acceleration will combine a number of techniques to improve analytical performance and simplify administration, the company said.

According to the company, BLU Acceleration offers a capability called data skipping, which enables users to avoid duplicate information, analyse data in parallel across multiple processors and analyse data transparently to the application without the need of a separate data modeling layer.

The company said another new capability called actionable compression will remove the need to decompress data before analysing it.

IBM claims that its second offering, PureData System for Hadoop, offers enhanced analytic and visualisation tools and can reduce the time needed to ramp up an organisation’s Hadoop implementation from weeks to minutes.

IBM Information Management general manager Bob Picciano said big data is about using all data in context at the point of impact.

"With the innovations we are delivering, now every organisation can realize value quickly by leveraging existing skills as well as adopt new capabilities for speed and exploration to improve business outcomes," Picciano said.

The company said it is also releasing new versions of its InfoSphere BigInsights Hadoop application development tool, InfoSphere Streams, Informix including TimeSeries Acceleration.