IBM has extended its security services portfolio to include enhanced analytic tools and services, in an effort to provide deeper, real-time analysis of advance threats.

The IBM analytics tools and services include new suspicious host dashboard for real-time identification of advanced threats, new IP intelligence report for on-demand analysis of individual IP addresses, and enhanced automated intelligence (AI) correlation engine that alerts businesses against security incidents.

The new security services also include new IP center dashboard that provides IBM threat analysts enhanced query capabilities across the MSS customer data set, enabling faster profiling of suspected attackers, returning a breakdown of the customers and industries affected, the attacks delivered as well as a threat score.

The new services detect outlying behaviour and thread together diverse contextual data to help organisations make rapid decisions to prevent security breaches from impacting the business, said the company.

The new intelligence tools and services enable enterprises to analyse complex data from multiple sources to determine in real-time how to adjust or change their security strategies.

IBM claims the new services enable business leaders to more clearly map their security, risk and compliance requirements to business needs while allowing for growth and innovation.

IBM Security Services vice president Marisa Viveros said they recognise clients need get ahead of the threats in today’s complex security landscape.

"We are applying our nearly five decades of security experience to help clients move from a reactive position to a proactive one, using analytics to anticipate threats as they appear instead of after the fact," Viveros said.