IBM has expanded its PureSystems lineup with the introduction of PureData System that helps clients manage and analyse petabytes of data in short time and use those insights to support their businesses including marketing, sales and operations.

The PureData System is to designed to help clients handle more than 100 databases on a single system and reduce the cost and complexity associated with them, the company said.

With the new PureData System, IBM estimates that 2.5 exabytes of data is created every day, so much that 90% of the data in the world today has been created in the last two years alone.

IBM’s new PureData System is optimised for high performance data services for traditional or cloud environments.

The new system builds on the initial PureSystems family of applications that can deploy Web applications in less than 10 days, a task that could have taken at least six months.

IBM’s PureData System is available in three workload-specific models optimised for transactional, operational and big data analytics to help clients solve these challenges.

The three workload-specific models of the PureData System include: PureData System for Transactions, PureData System for Analytics and PureData System for Operational Analytics.

PureData System for Transactions provides hardware and software configurations integrated and optimised for flexibility, integrity, availability and scalability for any transaction workload.

Powered by Netezza technology, PureData System for Analytics simplifies and optimises performance of data warehouse services and analytics applications. It is also claimed to accelerate analytics and include the largest library of in-database analytic functions on the market today.

PureData System for Operational Analytics can deliver actionable insights concurrently to more than 1,000 business operations to support real-time decision making.

The company said the PureSystems family has been developed with $2bn in R&D and acquisitions over four years.