The global purpose-built backup appliance (PBBA) market reported 7.3% rise in revenues during the second quarter of 2013 to $720.2m, the latest IDC report reveals.

According to the research firm’s new Worldwide Quarterly Purpose-Built Backup Appliance Tracker, the overall PBBA open systems market also rose robustly by 13.3% to $639.8m during the quarter.

During Q2, the global PBBA capacity shipped reached 394,940tb, reporting a 40.9% growth year over year, the report outlined.

IDC Data Protection and Recovery research director Robert Amatruda said that the total worldwide PBBA market continued to outpace the External Disk System market by a wide margin in the second quarter of 2013.

"The worldwide PBBA market continues to experience strong growth in revenue, capacity, and shipments," Amatruda said.

"We believe that appliance-based protection and recovery has taken root in customers’ environments as a simplified approach to meet their backup and recovery challenges."

EMC topped the list in the global PBBA market with 62.6% revenue share, followed by Symantec and IBM that captured 12.4% and 7.3% market share, respectively during the quarter.