David Hodgson, Unit Executive for the new Data Management group at CA Technologies, has been writing on the company blog to advise companies to properly equip and plan for the tools needed for analytics.

Data analytics use has grown dramatically over the past few years due in part to interest from lines-of-business from within a company.

According to Hodgson, LOB’s have been wanting to experiment with tools that could lead to a competitive edge or an extra business insight.

For Hodgson: "This experimentation is an essential ingredient of success and LOBs must be allowed to empower themselves by choosing the tools and services they need."

Hodgson goes on to state that the revolution has been enabled by the availability of commodity compute power and the emergence of open source tools.

Creative experimentation and diversity is seen as being important to the advancement of data analytics. Hodgson believes that we are at just starting to realise the potential of these new technologies and how they can transform businesses.

The blog goes on to advise that a Big Data management strategy is what is needed in order to allow for further experimentation and development.

For IT departments to be able to empower LOB’s with analytics, Hodgson suggests that the CA Big Data Infrastructure Management, may be the answer for IT departments.

Hodgson, writes: "CA BDIM provides a normalized management paradigm for different Hadoop distributions and NoSQL databases. It is a tool that will scale with your growing analytics implementations and will allow the LOBs to easily switch tools or platforms."

By having a unified view approach, it is likely that operational costs will be reduced with the potential for IT as a single management tool to manage all clusters, nodes and jobs.

The results that are being accomplished through the use of Big Data analytics means that for Hodgson, Big Data is not just a ‘Big Dream.’

Hodgson, writes: "While many others still don’t understand the full potential, might be confused and can sound like detractors, this noise does not indicate hype on this occasion."

"We are in the middle of a paradigm shift where old technologies and practices will be left behind and the new is adopted."

If companies want to win in the application economy then it is important that they take advantage of the new analytics, and partner with their IT department.