Fujitsu has reported net sales of JPY1,047.2bn for the first quarter of 2010, an increase of 0.3% compared to the same period last year. Operating income for the quarter was JPY10bn, compared with a loss of JPY37.1bn in the same period last year.

The company posted a consolidated net income of JPY1.6bn for the first quarter of fiscal 2010, rebounding from a net loss in the previous year. All three of main business segments-technology solutions, ubiquitous solutions, and device solution-delivered profits in the quarter.

Technology Solutions segment net sales totaled JPY665.7bn, down 1% compared to the same period in fiscal 2009. Net sales in the ubiquitous product solutions segment were JPY276.8bn, an increase of 8.9% compared to the same period in fiscal 2009. Device Solutions segment net sales were JPY158.5bn, an increase of 22.4% compared to the first quarter of fiscal 2009.

Sales in Japan increased by 3.4%, as demand for PCs, car audio and navigation systems, LSI devices, electronic components, and network products all increased. Sales outside Japan fell 4.5% due largely to the yen’s appreciation and the divestiture of the hard disk drive business in the previous year.

Masami Yamamoto, president of Fujitsu, said: "2010 is an important year in Fujitsu’s medium-term management plan geared for growth, and I’m pleased to say that we’re off to a solid start. I’m confident that the new investments we’re making in global expansion and the development of cloud computing and other services will contribute to the success of our customers and drive further improvements in our financial performance."