The group, dubbed The Internet Association, will focus on advancing public policy solutions in an effort to support a free and open internet.

According to a statement by the collaborative group the Internet Association seeks to represent "the interests of America’s leading Internet companies and their global community of users."

The Internet Association is expected to formally launch by September 2012.

The creation of the lobby group comes in the wake big internet companies increasing their spending on federal lobbying.

Reuters reports that Google spent $3.9m this year on online privacy and immigration legislation followed by Facebook with $960,000, Amazon with $690,000 and Ebay with $400,600.

The Internet Association has appointed former Deputy staff director to the U.S. House Energy and Commerce Committee, Michael Beckerman, as President and CEO. He says it is important for the internet to be represented in Washington.

"The internet is the greatest engine for economic growth and prosperity the world has ever known," says Beckerman. "The Internet must have a voice in Washington."

The Internet Association seeks to ensure leaders are educated on the impact the internet and internet companies can have on freedom and economic growth.

"No one can predict what innovations will happen next," says Beckerman. "But we do know that the Internet’s decentralized and open model is what has enabled its unprecedented growth and innovation. We must guard against misguided attempts to handcuff this incredible source of job creation, freedom and creativity."

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