Security guardian

Security Guardian is a USB memory key from ExactTrak that is more than just your average stick. The nifty device allows an owner to delete their data if they lose it, making it completely unreadable if it falls into the wrong hands. The device, which sounds like it is straight out of a James Bond movie, is said to be the first of its kind.

The product is fitted with a battery, GPS, and GSM which allow the user to find the memory stick on a map. That means that if it is lost at work or in the home, it can often be found without having to delete the data.

Best of all, if the owner loses the USB they can send a remote command for the data to self destruct, whether the device is connected to the internet or not. The device’s memory can be remotely destroyed via a cloud-based management console.

The device is also geared for enterprise use as an enterprise management console is available for companies that want to host it in their own data centre and potentially track and manage multiple devices.

Enterprises also benefit from the USB’s on and off encryption feature, which will help companies stay compliant with data handling regulations when travelling to parts of the world where encrypted data is illegal.

"We’re delighted to be launching Security Guardian following four years of research, development and piloting schemes," says Norman Shaw, managing director of ExactTrak. "We believe that this product will be a real game changer for managing mobile data as its proactive use has the capacity to fundamentally change the commitment corporate operations can give regarding the safety of their data."

In order to fit the battery, GPS and GSM smarts, the memory stick is slightly bigger than the average USB, though in fairness it is still small enough to fit in a pocket. All in all Security Guardian sounds like a good potential option for individuals or companies looking for the highest levels of peace-of-mind when a sensitive memory stick is lost or stolen.