eSignal, a provider of financial and business information to traders, has unveiled three new OnDemand products – Forex, Mini Futures, and Advanced GET. The new products allow traders to send trade messages to brokers of their choice from a list of compatible brokers, the company said.

According to eSignal, OnDemand-Forex offers users access to real-time streaming forex data by individual contributors, coupled with historical and end-of-day data, as well as decision support tools. The software displays streaming forex rates in the recognisable forex dealing grid and shows the flags of both currencies, in order to improve recognition of each rate.

The company said that OnDemand-Mini Futures is designed for mini futures traders and provides real-time, streaming quotes on CME E-mini index futures contracts.

Also, the company notes that OnDemand-Advanced GET integrates Advanced GET’s suite of trading tools with OnDemand’s intraday charting and an end-of-day data feed service. The product’s Dashboard feature scans the market, and imports candidates for trading analysis.

Reportedly, the new products also provide access to a range of international content from stock exchanges and marketplaces around the world.