EMC has unveiled a new version of Disk Library for Mainframe system (DLm) with double capacity and throughput. The new version of EMC DLm system provides IBM zSeries mainframe environments with a disk-based tape replacement system.

According to EMC, the new DLm provides an integrated, tapeless alternative to mainframe tape and tape-based VTLs. This enables customers to process and retrieve information at disk speed and scale their tape infrastructure as workloads increase without the requirement of additional subsystems, tape libraries, or specialised network adapters.

The company said that the new DLm systems leverage virtual tape engines and EMC Celerra unified storage systems. It allows customers to receive support for up to six virtual tape engines with the ability to scale up to 1.2PB (petabytes) of usable capacity (approximately 3 PB of tape information) in 13 cabinets. In addition, it offers double throughput up to 1.2 GB per second.

With EMC Secure Remote Services (ESRS), EMC customer service can directly connect to customer’s DLm systems through a secure IP connection to provide support. In addition, ConnectEMC allows customers to send email alerts to their tape administrator for failures and sending of log files, alerts and activities directly to the EMC support centre for faster problem resolution, the company said.

According to EMC, the new version of DLm software comes with internal log management for disaster recovery. It tracks the status of every tape volume in the system and makes that information available within each system. These logs can be replicated to off-site DLm systems, enabling customers to know which tape volumes are usable for their disaster recovery procedures.

The new version also expands reporting capabilities that include system throughput rates and highlights the slowest tape mounts. It provides customers with administrator log-ins for added security.