DS3 DataVaulting, a data management services provider, has introduced its Data Lifecycle Management (DLM) product, that allows organisations to backup and restore data based on pre-determined storage and recovery tiers.

The new offering reportedly categorises data into three tiers: critical (integral to ongoing operations), important (valuable but not mission critical) or archival (required but not typically retrieved).

Reportedly, using traditional tape systems, data is repeatedly backed up during weekly or monthly full backups, even though 70-80% of the data has not changed from one backup to the next. According to the company, this situation makes it difficult for companies to meet backup and restore windows for critical data.

The company claimed that with the new DLM product, all data is initially backed up online for backup and retrieval, moved to near-line disk-based storage after a period of time based on retention policies and transitioned to the offline archive storage tier. This migration of data reflects its declining value over time, said company.

Stacy Hayes, co-founder and president of DS3, said: “We saw a gaping hole in the traditional backup and restore market that needed to be filled. By providing this unique tiered approach, DS3’s DLM solution gives organisations full control over their data by focusing on the value of the data at the core. Med James is a prime example of how this works; they dictate what data they need and when and we take care of making sure it’s available based on those specific terms, without breaking the bank.”