Motorola is partnering with Wynyard Group to integrate crime data into its analytics solution.

The purpose of this move it to help law enforcement agencies to connect disparate data and help solve cases.

The vast amounts of data from sources such as video and social media combined with other sources such as criminal history, property records and field notes makes investigating a long and drawn out process.

The partnership is seeking to make this process much easier and faster by combining their solutions.

Motorola’s CommandCentral Analytics products will be enhanced by Wynyard’s software by connecting multiple databases and evidence libraries, in order to assist investigators in solving crimes.

Wynyard which provides crime analytics solutions to national security and large enforcement agencies is utilising Motorola’s solutions to identify people, relationships and events of interest to provide a single view of the criminal environment.

The tools which are being used from Motorola came as part of its acquisition of PublicEngines and its CommandCentral Predictive and CommandCentral Analytics products, it used these to expand its Smart Public Safety Solutions.