Google has announced it is to cut the prices of its cloud computing even further, continuing the price-hacking competition with Microsoft Azure and Amazon Web Services.

The news was revealed at Google’s Atmosphere webcast, where a 10% reduction across Google Compute Engine instances was announced.

SVP of technical infrastructure for Google, Urs Hölzle, said that these price cuts are because of "increased efficiency in our datacenters as well as falling hardware costs, allowing us to pass on lower prices to our customers."

The price hacks are effective immediately and count for all regions. It was March this year when Google announced its 30% price cuts that firmly pitted the web giant against cloud rivals AWS.

Hölzle said: "As predicted by Moore’s Law, we can now lower prices again. Effective immediately, we are cutting prices of Google Compute Engine by approximately 10% for all instance types in every region."

This chart from Google details the price drops for all regions:
