IDC’s Disk Storage Systems Quarterly Tracker revealed that storage capacity increased by 68.6% year on year to 216.7 petabytes while revenue climbed to $424.2m, a 17.9% growth over the same quarter in 2010.

This is despite the unfavourable economic scenario prevailing in Central and Eastern Europe, Middle East and Africa (CEMA), says IDC.

External enterprise storage market continued to grow in Q3 with Central and Eastern Europe leading the trend by 25.8% annual growth.

Small and medium businesses did increase their demand for storage, though not as actively as expected due to the imposition of austerity economic measures by many local governments’ in the region.

IDC CEMA research manager, Storage Systems Pavel Roland said cloud-based storage became a more visible option, especially in Central and Eastern Europe, as SMB clients began seriously considering cloud services as an alternative to traditional IT deployment in markets like Czech Republic, Romania, Russia, etc."Consecutively, this trend boosted the midrange storage solutions designed for the cloud," said Roland.

Both EMC and HP gained as their shares of external storage revenue rose to 37% and 19.8%, respectively, compared to Q2 due to some large deals in telecommunication and banking sectors in some of the largest CEMA markets.

Going in EMC’s favour was its multi protocol VNX/VNXe systems. IBM ranked third with 17.3% of external storage spending.