Businesses by now understand the importance of analytic insight into their data but they are not the only ones that desire information on how to improve their performances.

The sports industry is quickly progressing to make greater use of data in order to help athletes and other sports stars to improve their performances, avoid injuries, plan strategies, and more.

With this in mind, Sports engineering firm Pace Insights has launched sports Analytics-as-a-Service. The company has been working with over 30 Olympic and professional sports teams, including Team Sky and British Athletics to develop an understanding of the information and insights that sports teams require.

The service will aim to deliver insights into areas of training and planning approaches, injury risk management, race performance analysis, race strategy and pacing investigations, technique refinements, talent ID research, selection justification and reporting metrics internally and externally to funding bodies such as UK Sport.

Samir Abid, CEO of Pace Insights said: “The challenge that sports teams have is that many have monitoring equipment and information, but are unable to process it to produce actionable insights. Our analytics-as-a-service provides a means for sports teams to gain instant insights from the data they are collecting, which will ultimately allow them to achieve critical marginal gains.”

No information is given on the exact technology that is being used but the company said that it is simply a matter of customers sending them the data and Pace Insights analysis it before sending it back.

The idea of analytics-as-a-service is that it helps people and organisations that don’t have analytics expertise to gain important insights from their data.

The company said that the service will provide sports teams with three key benefits, these being the ability to discover actionable insights from a combination of new and existing data stream. The ability to have these automatically processed and available on-demand, and improved data efficiency, which will help to free up coaching staff time.

Image source: BBC Sport