Blue Coat Systems Inc, a company that lately has taken a position against the likes of F5 Networks Inc and Cisco Systems Inc in the development of the application delivery platform, has today revised the core of its WAN optimisation appliance.

Announcing version 5.4 of its SGOS operating software for its ProxySG appliances, the Sunnyvale, California-based company said the revision would help speed WAN optimisation deployments by providing an immediate baseline WAN optimisation configuration out of the box.

From this initial configuration the units would provide immediate acceleration of remote file access, e-mail and web content, the company claimed.

Blue Coat has combined its application monitoring, WAN optimisation and secure web gateway technologies to produce an infrastructure platform for the acceleration, management and security of business applications and web content running across the enterprise network.  It calls it the Application Delivery Network.

Version 5.4 of the SGOS operating software for ProxySG appliances will be available later this month.