Attaain has released AttaainCI  business intelligence system that expands the team collaboration features offered by the system. The new workgroup collaboration features enable confidential web-based sharing of internal documents and enhanced tools for flagging and communicating business information among team members.

The company said that the new documents module allows users to view documents uploaded into AttaainCI, search for specific uploaded documents based on content, title, description and/or keyword tags and to upload new documents to view and share confidentially with their team in the new system.

The documents uploaded and shared confidentially among a company’s AttaainCI users can include all types of  information that a company would like to be able to capture, tag, search, view, print and share in the system, the company added. The users might collect and save industry research and business trend information, or documents, marketing collateral or datasheets related to competitor products, services, advertising, pricing or sales activities.

The web-based documents module supports document formats including Microsoft Word, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Excel, PDF, Open Office documents, Text and Rich Text documents, Images and other file types.

According to Attaain, the new product makes it easier to capture, classify and share internally discovered competitive and market intelligence through the use of enhanced Intelligence Tags. These tags may now be created/edited for all users in a client’s account or for one or more selected users. The new selected users capability allows AttaainCI clients to share intelligence tag with any specific group of company users.

After creating/editing any intelligence tag, AttaainCI can notify the specified users at the client’s company that the tag has been created/edited and the updated tag contents can be e-mailed by AttaainCI directly to the group of users selected for that tag.

A new Intelligence Tag type for documents is also available to highlight and share information about any particular document stored in a user’s AttaainCI system. This tag type includes a document’s thumbnail image, title, description, link to view the document in AttaainCI and any additional user comments.

Daryl Scott, president and CEO of Attaain, said: “AttaainCI enables collaboration among company team members to encourage orderly sharing of internally gathered intelligence. The new AttaainCI Documents Module provides robust, confidential, web-based document sharing directly within AttaainCI.

“The system also now makes it easier to capture, classify and share competitive and market intelligence through the use of rich, user-created Intelligence Tags to highlight crucial business information, and flag important intelligence for team members.