Apple is facing a lawsuit following US District Judge Lucy Koh ruling in favor of a plaintiff who claimed Apple had blocked text messages from iOS users when they switched to an Android device.

The lawsuit was filed in May by a former Apple customer Adrienne Moore, on behalf of all the customers who faced similar problem after switching to Android based devices.

The lawsuit claims that Apple did not inform customers about the issue, in additon to not providing any webpage dedicated to help owners of non-Apple devices recieve texts they were sent after switching.

Moore claims that Apple violated the contract she had with service provider Verizon, which entitles customers to send and receive texts regardless of the operating system platform.

In an attempt to dismiss the lawsuit, Apple said that Moore’s contract with Verizon did not guarantee her the right to receive all text messages that were sent to her.

Apple also claimed that its iMessage service and message application cannot recognise the device switch.

Reuters reported Judge Koh’s as saying: "Plaintiff does not have to allege an absolute right to receive every text message in order to allege that Apple’s intentional acts have caused an actual breach or disruption of the contractual relationship."