Adobe Systems has revamped its cloud-based, media optimisation technology AdLens to offer data integration with Adobe SiteCatalyst.

AdLens is an integrated platform designed to manage and optimise search, display and social advertising as a unified campaign.

With the integration Adobe SiteCatalyst, AdLens will enable advertisers to leverage conversion metrics to make more strategic media decisions and deliver optimal return on investment (ROI),the company claimed.

Adobe siad by incorporating SiteCatalyst into AdLens, data sets can be used for ad optimisation, custom analysis and reporting in real-time.

Now the SiteCatalyst customers can achieve media optimisation gains and can view how their digital ads are performing.

The Facebook Ads API integration with AdLens will designate Adobe as a Strategic Preferred Marketing Developer (PMD) to officially access the Facebook Exchange, which allows marketers to buy ads on Facebook via real-time bidding.

In addition, AdLens delivers new integration with Adobe AudienceManager for targeted audience segmentation to ensure advertising campaigns reach the right audience and Adobe Dynamic Ad Targeting to deliver relevant messages to their target audiences.

With AdLens, digital marketers and advertisers can see which media campaigns are impacting key business metrics, take advantage of a new user interface providing many capabilities familiar to search marketers and utilise campaign management and optimisation features for search, display and social channels.

The application programming interface integration with Baidu, Facebook, Google, LinkedIn, Yahoo/Bing, and Yandex, as well as real-time bidding integration with ad exchanges and supply-side platforms, simplifies search marketing campaigns.

Digital marketers and advertisers can now move from an over-reliance on "last-click" attribution to flexible models that can accurately forecast which channel or combination of channels to deliver results for changing goals and budgets.

Tey can alos automate ad optimisation, allowing marketers to purchase based on bidding models and algorithms, while still maintaining control at every step of the process.