Actuate has announced the release of BIRT 360 and BIRT Data Analyzer, which deliver flexible, adoptable in-memory analytics and dashboarding capabilities and are part of ActuateOne.
The company said that BIRT Data Analyzer helps business users uncover trends, identify anomalies and model scenarios for business forecasting and improved understanding of their data.
The new, in-memory online analytical processing (OLAP) analytics capabilities support the entire spectrum of data visualisations, interactivity and analysis.
The ActuateOne architecture provides multiple ways to embed and contextually deliver information to users.
Actuate said that the BIRT 360, an integrated dashboard capability, puts the power to create dashboards in the hands of users.
BIRT 360 utilises the Google Gadget standard, thus enabling BIRT 360 to not only leverage BIRT-based gadgets but also third-party Google Gadgets to create mashup applications.
BIRT 360 provides users with two types of dashboards: operational dashboards and analytic dashboards.
It incorporates interactive BIRT reports, web pages and any other web content that leverages the Google Gadgets standard.
ActuateOne includes the ability to export BIRT content to Excel to create analysis-ready "live" spreadsheets.
Business users can now perform "what-if" analysis on the exported workbook.
Users can also choose to export the entire BIRT document or a single item like a chart, table or crosstab to Excel.
Enhanced capabilities of the Excel emitter include the ability to: convert the BIRT charts to live Excel charts with an associated data sheet containing the underlying data; export BIRT crosstabs as pivot tables along with a separate Excel data sheet containing the underlying data for further analysis; and maintain aggregations and calculations in Excel.