Under the terms of the agreement, CADFEM will add Accelrys’s Materials Studio software to the set of multi-scale tools it offers to its materials engineering customers in Germany, Austria and Switzerland.

The collaboration aims to deliver increases in efficiency and productivity, while delivering cost savings by focusing on variations in the materials as they relate to requirements of engineering design. This approach will result in more lightweight, and at the same time reliable for applications ranging from transportation to biomechanics, said Accelrys.

Mark Emkjer, president and CEO of Accelrys, said: The addition of a new reseller is a key step in our growth strategy to continually enhance our distribution channel through a network of OEM and reseller partnerships. CADFEM, the number one reseller of Ansys, is well known for introducing innovative technologies to its well-established base of engineering customers. Not only does this agreement help us move further into the engineering industry, but it establishes a foothold for us with CADFEM’s existing user base.