Services provider Wipro has launched an Open Data Centre – Centre of Excellence (CoE) this week to help enterprises familiarise themselves with software defined infrastructure (SDI).

The company said the facility integrates proprietary and open source solutions across all layers including network, storage, compute and cloud.

The firm said it wants to show customers that interoperability between legacy systems and SDI solutions is possible.

SDI allows cloud computing resources to be automatically managed and controlled by software, reducing the need for human tasks in the data centre, according to Intel.

The CoE demonstrates how the custom developed tools and plug-ins can be leveraged to achieve integration across diverse and different generation of underlying computer, network and storage technologies and give unified end-user experience, according to the company.

Wipro added that the CoE is aimed at transforming client data centres leveraging the company’s Adoption Framework, comprising of Wipro IP assets including accelerators, tools, migration methodologies and infrastructure automation applications.

G. K. Prasanna, CEO of global infrastructure services (GIS) at Wipro, said: "We have launched this CoE to build, integrate, test and demonstrate customer aligned SDI solutions and bringing in significant IP assets to address issues as clients undergo this transition and manage heterogeneous environments."

The firm added that its CoE network is comprised of three data centres, with dual data centre architecture and based in Mountain View, USA and Wipro’s Electronic City campus in Bangalore India.