According to Tandberg Television, the upgrade provides Starz with DVB-S2 satellite delivery and other enhanced features, enabling Starz to deliver more content to its affiliates at faster rates.

On-demand content is currently delivered from Starz to its affiliates using the Tandberg Classic MediaPath system. A seamless migration path is provided by the new MediaPath system ensuring no service interruption for Starz and its affiliates, said Tandberg. Since MediaPath now supports MPEG-4 AVC and virtually any content file and metadata format, Starz may support delivery methods to its affiliates and offer a wider selection of content to its subscribers.

Ray Milius, senior vice president of programming and IT operations at Starz Entertainment, said: We chose Tandberg Television’s next-generation MediaPath system, because it supports the bandwidth needed to handle the amount of titles and formats that Starz delivers. The user interface has the flexibility to scale from our current needs to accommodate our future requirements.