SkyTerra has added the Infrastructure Satellite Mutual Aid Radio Talkgroup (I-SMART) to its family of SMART talkgroups for interoperable communications between both public and private entities.

Created by Seattle Public Utilities and operating on SkyTerra’s satellite communications network, I-SMART is expected to serve government and private sector critical infrastructure agencies, including transportation and utility/public work entities involved in distribution/support of water, electricity, gas and petroleum, throughout the United States, Canada and Mexico.

The company said that the new offering joins its network of six nationwide and nine regional SMART talkgroups, providing public service organisations and private sector critical infrastructure agencies – an interoperable tool to communicate for both day-to-day operations and in times of emergency.

Working with SkyTerra, the Seattle Public Utilities, Office of Emergency Management (SPU-OEM) is expected to manage, provide 24×7 monitoring and approve participation in I-SMART by government and appropriate private sector users with a critical infrastructure/public works mission.

Ned Worcester, manager of I-SMART, said: “The I-SMART talkgroup will serve as an important supplement to existing interoperable communications at all levels of critical infrastructure. For critical infrastructure entities already using SkyTerra’s technology, this talkgroup represents a major step forward in critical infrastructure interoperability, particularly when terrestrial networks are damaged or congested.”

The company said that it is developing an integrated satellite-terrestrial communications network, based on its ancillary terrestrial component (ATC) technology. The company plans to launch two commercial satellites that will enable the network to support communications in a variety of market segments.