Marvell said that Seagate has deployed its Sheeva CPU technology to power the company’s new FreeAgent DockStar network adapter, reinforcing momentum and adopt of Marvell’s Plug Computer.

The Marvell-based FreeAgent DockStar network adapter is intended to deliver a simple way to access and share digital content with anyone from anywhere. Powered by SheevaPlug technology, Seagate FreeAgent DockStar network adapter is designed to change access control and sharing of content by creating personal storage clouds while keeping the security and privacy of content, the company said.

Reportedly, Marvell has introduced the Plug Computing to make high-performance, always on, always connected, and environmentally friendly computing readily available for developers and end users. A Plug Computer is small enough to plug into a wall socket and contains a gigahertz class processor to provide PC class performance.

Andy Horwitz, senior director of product line management for Branded Solutions at Seagate, said: The SheevaPlug is an integral piece of the new Seagate FreeAgent DockStar network adapter, enabling simple installation of a shared device within a home network. Seagate’s DockStar product extends the concept of Plug Computing by delivering simple plug-and-play networked storage, which allows for easy sharing, access and control of digital content with anyone, anywhere, anytime; whether they are in another room or across the country.

FreeAgent DockStar product comes with one year of service for remote access and sharing for a MSRP of $99.99.