Colo DataVita has set out plans to open a mega data centre in Scotland in May 2016.

The company claims the 100,000 sq ft Fortis hub will be the most energy-efficient in the region with a PUE of 1.18 and 100% powered by renewable energy.

Set to be one of the largest facilities in the UK, the investment in the data centre is estimated to be £200 million.

The facility will have up to 16mW total power available, N+N Indirect free air cooling and has been awarded the IS027001 security certification.

The data centre has been built off the M8 highway, between Glasgow and Edinburgh, with the installation of equipment currently moving into the the final stages of completion.

The company claims the facility will be Scotland’s first commercial collocation data centre to harness Scotland’s cool climate.

DataVita said the project will give Scotland its first "cloud enabled" data centre that will allow customers to mix traditional data centre services with the cloud.