PCCW Limited, a Hong Kong-based communications operator, has denied the rumors circulating in the market that the company is planning to lay off large numbers of staff.

PCCW has said that there are no more immediate plans of layoff in the company.

PCCW has adopted a no-pay leave arrangement for the bulk of its resources adjustment exercise. This applies in particular to its largest unit, namely the engineering staff. This arrangement exempts the lowest paid staff and has a maximum of one day’s no-pay leave for middle grades and a maximum of two days’ no-pay leave for higher grades. This arrangement is aimed at minimizing job losses.

In particular, there is no layoff plan for engineering staff and speculation about future layoffs in this area is simply not correct, said PCCW.

According to PCCW, in addition to its permanent workforce, the company engages temporary, outsourced labor from third party service providers on a contractual needs basis. This short-term labor supplements PCCW’s staff according to activity levels. This short-term labor is not part of PCCW’s permanent workforce and should not be confused with PCCW’s staff. Fluctuations in short-term labor needs (up and down) are a normal part of the contractual arrangements with third party service providers.