Nokia has made its free email account, Mail on Ovi, live enabling the company’s mobile phone users to set up the account directly without requiring a PC.

Users of Nokia Series 40 devices can create their own email address directly on their mobile phones. Nokia has said that the Ovi email account gives users all the features and functionalities of a typical PC-based email account.

During the beta period, consumers have been provided an option to choose from 12 languages based on the settings of their device, including English, Spanish, Portuguese, French, German, Hindi, Bengali, Tagalog, Bahasa Indonesia and Bahasa Malaysia.

We’re creating a mindset shift with mobile messaging. Mail on Ovi is the first-ever email service which allows people to create an account directly on their mobile phone, and start using it right away, said Tom Furlong, senior vice president overseeing consumer messaging initiatives within Nokia’s Services & Software organisation.

Nokia has launched more than 35 Nokia Series 40 device models which immediately enable the creation of the Mail on Ovi email account.

Mobile phone users from India, Malaysia and the Philippines have been able to use the beta service since November, and the availability is now being extended to the other parts of the world.